• An alternate world with an alternate history.

    The entire planet was divided between two opposing alliances.
    After fifty years of bitter warfare, the Greater Eastern Federation triumphs over the forces of Europa and gains dominion over the Eurasian continent.

    However, this is an empty victory. Years of chemical, biological and nuclear war have poisoned the land and left an exhausted population at the mercy of every pestilence and newly-mutated disease.

    It seems that there's little hope for humanity's future. Debate rages over the chances of finding some way to stave off the seemingly-inevitable decline of civilization.

    One man comes forward with a possible solution. Dr. Azuma is a geneticist who proposes a "neo-cell" treatment that can rejuvenate the body and regenerate humankind. He's driven in his studies by a desire to save his beloved wife, Midori, from the ravages of pollution-related disease.

    He appeals for funding to the government but the politicians in the Health Ministry turn him down, fearing that the new technology will threaten their entrenched powers.

    However, a sinister faction in the powerful military makes a secret offer to provide the support he needs to further his research.

    When an incident occurs in the lab that sends the Professor's "neo-cell" cloning experiment haywire, a race of mutant human beings (Shinzo Ningen) is unleashed upon the world.

    Instead of being the savior of mankind, the Professor's miraculous technology looks set to threaten its very existence...

    Plot Outline:
    Made for 5 billion yen, "Casshern" tries to address the idealistic question proposed in Shakespear's "Hamlet" (Why do people fight with each other?) It is also a continuation of the Japanese animation, "Shinzou Ningen Casshern" which was broadcasted back in 1973. A riot occurs within the robots that were made to clean up environmental pollution. As a result, a professor of robotic engineering revised his "son" Casshern to calm the riot.



    "Why must we keep fighting?"

    Set in a uniquely retro-futuristic world,
    "CASSHERN" addresses this theme in a powerful drama that is
    at once entertaining and profound.

    The author behind this extraordinary project is Kazuaki Kiriya,
    an acclaimed fashion photographer and music video director.
    In addition to co-writing and directing the film, he also served as its cinematographer.

    Casshern ist kein Superhero Movie auch wenn es so aussieht, es ist die Apokalypse.


  • Klar hab ich ihn schon gesehen, jedenfalls die Originalversion mit engl.Sub. Zur Zeit wird vom Comicguestbook eine Deutsche Version erstellt.

    Der Film ist spitze, die Rückblicke in den Krieg sind meist in Schwarzweis, die Uniformen erinnern an die Deutsche Reichswehr (Nazis). Auch die Umsetzung ist Ungewöhnlich, bis auf Ausnahmen ist dieser Film ziemlich düster. Die Musik passt auch immer zu den Szenen.

    Du solltest dir mal den Trailer anschauen.

    Findest du hier: http://www.casshern.com/


  • also der trailer schaut schon verdammt genial aus ^^.

    Wie sieht das mit dieser DVD Box aus? Habe gerade mal bei amazon.com gesucht, da findet der nix. Oder ist die englische Version auf der jap. DVD mit drauf?

    Gibt es eigtl offizielle Ankündigungen für ein westliches release, z.b US oder hierzulande?